About Us

Trust2 harnesses AI and other transformative technologies to address pressing societal challenges in areas such as climate, AI safety, and internet trust/security.

We build software products to accelerate human expertise in these and other hard-to-understand spaces.

In 2023, markets and firms are grappling with significant disruptive technological shifts they're unprepared for.

Two notable examples are the widespread adoption of machine intelligence and automation, and technological responses to ongoing carbon footprint reductions and the impacts of climate change.

These technology changes are compounded by already existing system dynamics: we operate in a 24/7/365 environment where our borders and systems are open to people and machines from around the world, with exploits of new and existing technologies by adversarial threat actors occurring daily. Our experience working on some of these problems first-hand at some of the best-resourced, smartest engineering-driven companies in the world have convinced us that likely many of the best companies are underinvested in safety, security and trust infrastructure and protections - even for the existing threat landscape - let alone to address these new threats.

Human beings are inherently optimistic and don’t spend enough time thinking about downside risks.

We’re also not naturally systems thinkers, and cannot predict the impacts of cascading failures and complex dependencies. We don’t naturally think iteratively or adversarially, so we remain vulnerable to bad actors finding the seams between our systems, processes and business partners… or to our own assumptions that our operations will continue as they have without the need for change.

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